Thursday, December 27, 2012

Apple improves its labour practices under heavy pressure

Apple and its contract suppliers in China, principally Foxconn, are starting to change their ways of exploitation of workers, according to a New York Times story, reported by CNET tech news by Edward Moyer.  Moyer also cites "Apple's lack of manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and its tax strategies" (see live reference links below).   Having outsourced its labour costs to contractors in other countries (Mexico, mainly China; for a list of countries where Apple goods are manufactured, go here), Apple has kept its labour costs quite low, and has been able to capture its leading role in USA and other stockmarkets due to its labour-cost advantage over its competitors.  But times have changed, acknowledges unnamed Apple executive/s.  Ironically, Silicon Valley secrecy, of which Apple has been one of the masters, blocks "sharing of information that could help improve labor conditions." The competitors and Apple need to share labour-conditions info, indeed transparency of such info needs to be imposed if the industry is not forthcoming on its own. Apple is not an industry leader when it comes concern for workers.  Perhaps Apple has its toe in the water, but that's about it.

Apple's leading manufacturing contract-supplier in China, the notorious labour-relations Foxconn has just today had to report another suicide among its workers, a young man who tried to jump from his dormitory heights — the second time he succeeded.  Abuse has been alleged, but skeptic that I am I woud only note that abuse coud have been the action of a sexual predator in the dormitory and not necessarily a superior in the company (or a superior, like a dormitory monitor, who was also a sexual predator).  See the Dec24,2k12 ZDnet report by Liu Jiayi on the Foxconn 18-year old's suicide.  Foxconn has indeed had an epidemic of suicides, but not all suicides by its employees need be automatically blamed on the notorious company.  

I woudn't automatically trust -- regarding labour conditions -- Apple, Foxconn, New York Times,. Zdnet, or c|net — they all have vested interests in keeping consumer prices for Apple products, other Silicon Valley products, and the electronics industry generally as low as possible.  Nor woud I trust the revolutionary and mainstream labour unions who have a vested interest in monopoly unionism, denial of freedom of association by blocking pluralization of worker representation, and the whole ideology of democratistic majoritarianism.

— Albert Gedraitis

c|net news (Dec27,2k12)

Apple is improving labor practices, under pressure, says NYT

Media coverage and rising awareness of rough working conditions in China's electronics factories have begun to turn things around, says a New York Times report. But there's still a long way to go.
Workers assemble and perform quality control checks on MacBook Pro display enclosures at an Apple supplier facility in Shanghai.
(Credit: Apple)
The attention brought to bear on the labor practices of Apple's manufacturers and suppliers in China may be starting to create real, positive change in the electronics industry, says an article published this evening in The New York Times.
The Times, along with other media outlets, published several high-profile reports this year on the practices of Apple suppliers -- including contract manufacturer Foxconn, which produces Apple's iPhone and iPad, as well as products for other companies. The reports also included looks at Apple's lack of manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and its tax strategies.
Such media attention -- and the entry of the issue into mainstream consciousness, by way of skits on "Saturday Night Live" and questions during the presidential debates -- has, the Times reports, compelled executives in the electronics industry to realize they need to turn things around.
"The days of easy globalization are done," the paper quotes an unidentified Apple executive as saying. "We know that we have to get into the muck now."
Some of the positive steps the Times mentions are decreased hours and increased wages at Foxconn; a tripling of Apple's corporate social responsibility staff; increased transparency from Apple on practices and progress; and a new willingness on the part of Apple to reach out to worker-advocacy groups. Apple has also, the Times reports, stopped treating these labor issues "like engineering puzzles," and has adopted a "messier, more human approach" -- one with an increased focus on listening to workers and labor groups as opposed to simply establishing more policies.
The negative attention on industry giants Apple and Foxconn, as well as the positive changes it has begun to foster, are affecting the industry at large, the Times reports, with companies like HP and Intel, as well as Foxconn's competitors, getting swept up in the jetstream.
Intel's director of corporate responsibility, Gary Niekerk, tells the news outlet, "This is on the front burner for everyone now." No one inside Intel "wants to end up in a factory that treats people badly, that ends up on the front page."
Still, Apple has much work to do, the Times says. For one thing, the company's famous secrecy -- and that of Silicon Valley as a whole -- extends, wrongheadedly, to the sharing of information that could help improve labor conditions. And Apple has yet to truly don the mantle of industry leader in regard to concern for workers. As the Times puts it:
...Apple has not sought the high-profile leadership opportunities that have set off transformations in other industries. Nike, for instance, has convened public meetings of labor, human rights, environmental, and business leaders to discuss how to improve overseas factories. The clothing retailer Gap Inc. has invited outside organizations to critique its purchasing practices and publish their findings. Patagonia shares its factory audits with competitors and has been a vocal supporter of a centralized audit report clearinghouse that lets companies share information.
"That's the standard Apple has to meet," said a former Apple executive. "That's how a leader transforms an industry."

Intersperse from Albert Gedraitis:  Is it really how a leader transforms an industry's labour conditions and relations?  If there is no end of the monopoly-unionism system, where the winner of a representation vote gets to brush aside the roles of minority unions in a workplace (winner-takes-all democratism), and workers really do not have full freedom of association so that they can pick a union based on its worldview and labourview because it best agrees with the worker's own life-principles, then we can harldy speak of  anything but a "might makes right" labour philosophy.  Nike, Gap Inc, and Patagonia do not seem to have anything better to offer, only the same old dimishment of labour minorities and elevation of the union with the most votes to absolute control over labour representation. It's obvious that journo Edward Moyer has no wider horizon than the same-old same-old.  This is no model for Apple either at home or abroad.
And the problem, too, is complex, and one that's not likely to be solved overnight, the Times reports. Some workers, for instance, were upset when Foxconn curtailed working hours. And there's a struggle between companies like Apple and their suppliers, like Foxconn, over which side should pay for improvements at manufacturing facilities.
Still, the Times concludes, though it may be slow-going, both Foxconn and Apple believe changes are "falling into place."
You can read the Times article in its entirety here. The paper has also published an extended statement from Apple on factory conditions in China, which says, among other things, "Apple is in a unique position to lead and we have embraced this role since the earliest days of our supplier responsibility program." You can read the entire statement here.